Tuesday, February 9, 2021

I've been Bamboozled by Content ID Claims

 So anyone can just file a content ID Claim and anyone can deny your dispute. 

As usual with how Youtube is these days I recieve a Content ID Claim for a video I literally just uploaded.  Cause FYI bots now scan your video before it fully uploads.  After examining the Claim on my video. I find that it's completely incorrect.  Not completely unusual.  However this had a different ending than the 1 of 2 outcomes I usually expect.  Instead of my dispute being accepted or rejected by the companies in question.  Instead a completely different company denied my dispute!

So early this month I received a Content ID Claim from Warner Chappell, Sony ATV Publishing, & PEDL.  I disputed the claim cause what was being claimed is completely the wrong song.  So simple mistake obviously.  After jumping through hoops I contacted each of these companies (2 of them being the same company) about the dispute to hopefully speed up the process.  

*Sony ATV Publishing and PEDL are the same company just operate in different countries.  

Today I get a notice saying a completely different company VCPMC_CS denies my dispute. This company wasn't listed at all in the original Content ID Claim and still isn't.  What do I do?  I can't even find this company anywhere.  

What's the point of the dispute system when some completely different company can deny your dispute?

To give insight to what's being claimed.  A battle theme in my recent Dissidia 012 Final fantasy video was being claimed as "Final Battle (Final Fantasy X)"  Not only is this the wrong song being claimed in the video.  But this song doesn't play at all in Dissidia.  The actual song that plays is Saber's Edge -Arranged- version.  After noting that in my dispute i proceeded to contact these companies to let them know and hopefully speed up the process. Letting them know of the problem.

But instead I get a company that wasn't even listed in the claim to begin with denying my claim.  How is this possible?  I had to go asking around and none of the answers were positive at all.  

First the company VCPMC_CS happens to be another one of the many Music Collection Societies. 

VCPMC = Vietnam Centre for Protection of Music Copyright.


Second it's possible (But I'm not convinced) that an additional claim was registered after the initial notice was sent.  In which case why isn't it noted then when I check the claim a 2nd time?  

The initial claim being made on my video. I disputed it due to the song name being incorrect. Note that only Warner Chappell, Sony ATV Publishing, and PEDL are the only Copyright Owners noted. 

My dispute being denied by VCPMC_CS. A company not at all listed in the claim. 

Since it was denied I had no choice but to mute that section of the video. Appealing the decision risks me getting a Copyright Strike or Facing a Lawsuit.  Despite my dispute being correct. I do not possess the means to confidently appeal this.  

I have contacted the companies about my Content ID Claims.  None of them have answered at the time of this post.  Many of them requiring you to jump through many hoops to find proper contact information.  Most response I received was an auto-email bot. 

I honestly feel bamboozled.  A random company can just step in and deny a dispute being made. Despite my dispute being correct.  Just feels like people with money bullying those without money cause they know the other guy can't fight back.  While I could appeal the decision that would mean that I'm subjecting myself to getting a Copyright Strike and/or facing Lawsuits.  

So we're just forced to take L's while these people get away with whatever they like? 

Apparently this has happened to many other people as well.  But seems that mines is a unique case. And I cannot get in contact with Team Youtube to receive some type of help on this.