Sunday, December 6, 2020

Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner HD Part 5

Oh boy this is honestly where the fun stuff is.  

So we're joined up with Ken who's giving us directions to Lloyd.  I'm pretty sure many other LPers would say this is unneccessary padding cause you have to follow Ken's directions exactly and she guides you like she's looking for a certain address on the wrong street.  If you go the wrong way you risk hitting a mine that pretty much does 50% damage.  So yeah you gotta listen to her.  It only gets annoying cause you have move exactly as she says and you encounter enemies that can throw you off course.  

Funny thing I remember happening when I streamed this a decade ago.  I wanted to use the Vector Cannon so bad and there was a group of enemies right in front me.  So why not.  The moment I tried to use it. I died. Cause I wanted to see this thing fire.  So I didn't quit. LMAO.

Once you make it to Lloyd's place.  The old man wants to play with you.  Show him your skills.  My memory is rather vague of this part.  I dunno if I sped through this a decade ago or what.  But I have to go down EVERY elevator it seems. It's honestly a feel good section cause of the previous parts.  I can cut loose a bit.  What's funny to note is that Ken starts making remarks about Dingo's comments.  She honestly sounds like most Youtube comments.  

"You yell too much."

"Who are you talking to?"

You are as good as people say."

Once I get through all the elevators I find I need to go down deeper.  This parts kinda scary but also funny.  There's multiple crushers in the rooms.  A lot of times if I wait the enemies get caught and destroy themselves.  


Once I get towards the end.  Lloyd finally shows up to play.  In his Inhert.  Pretty sure this design is some obvious symbolism of some kind but I'm not paying attention enough to care at the moment.  Basically this guy likes using illusions and it's a game of find the real one.  Least for the first half of the fight.  Then he makes the entire area go black and I have to chase him down with ADA's help.  By the time she says block I'm too slow to react.  Especially when many of the attacks had me dodging right.  

So Lloyd talks about a certain program to bring Jehuty to it's full performance to make it even with Anubis. Ken gets off Jehuty to go get the program and she uploads it to Jehuty.  We get it but it takes time for it install.  Then Lloyd goes on talking about what Aumaan really is but we get interrupted by none other than Nohman himself. Can't divulge too much info.

Anubis AGAIN

Yeah Nohman's back to flex on us again. Nohman is also developing this attitude that Metatron energy is God and he's just a humble servant.  He keeps spamming attacks and doesn't want to fight close range. After doing everything to hit him a few times.  Lloyd helps Dingo escape from Nohman with a Heroic Sacrifice.  

Ken pops in giving a speech for Dingo to stop Aumaan.  And we stop hearing from her.  Before we can make our next move...Leo pops in.  He mentions that Space Force is assembling at one area.  Before head there we get one interuption of epic proportions.  A space armada is flying in to destroy the Space Force.  Dingo says he'll take care of them.  


So that Vector Cannon that we got. FINALLY HAS A USE! We're gonna take this thing and blow up 5 Warships.  We're also doing an epic warship battle.  So the part of firing the Vector Cannon. You gotta get to the engine of each Warship and fire it.  They eventually start getting smart and closing off the way to the engine.  Apparently there hull is strong enough to block the Vector Cannon.  Eventually the fun has to end. 


So this giant waste of space challenges us.  He does realize that I just dropped 5. COUNT EM 5!!! Warships and barely broke a sweat right?  Honestly this feels like the easiest boss of the game.  He shoots giant lasers and rotates them like this is a shump.  Then tries to protect himself with shields you can yank off the guy.  He goes down with pure ease. We watch him eject and I guess to be bit of a reference to ZOE1 we watch him go without being shot down. 

So now we join the Space Force LEVs on the ground.  They don't like Dingo.  Dingo used to be with BAHRAM so nobody likes him.  And we get a call from Elena.  Remember her?  She wants us surrender Jehuty.  At this stage of the game? Okay first off I like how Dingo never brings up that he leaves Jehuty he dies.  Also considering the Space Force's track record of utterly sucking not just this game but also ZOE1.  Who exactly do you have that can pilot Jehuty and not get there asses handed to them by Nohman and Anubis?  

Back to the story.  Dingo brings up that Ken is with the Space Force.

Elena: No she's not.


We kinda already figured that.  Leo shows up and vouches for Dingo.  And then Elena gives a speech about how the Space Force LEVs are gonna make one last stand against BAHRAM despite how much they suck. Dingo says a final few words to convince the Space Force that he's on there side.  Good thing those words worked.  I would've had a few choice words to say myself. Something like;

You guys have 0 chance to stop Aumaan with this force. You'll be lucky escape. If you're gonna shoot me just cause I was since your enemy go ahead but I won't be responsible for what happens next.

Anyway after that speech the Space Force join up with Dingo.  And we come to what's I feel is the worst part of ZOE2.  I'll save that for next time.  

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