Sunday, November 29, 2020

Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner HD - Part 4

Video releases in a few hours (Sunday 7PM EST)  as it's still private 

 So this session.  I just feel frustrated.  But better than last weekend.  I do wish that there was specific spots to save at instead of right in the middle of something.  

So this SOS mission...I gotta save the civilians cause the Space Force is a bunch of scaredy bigots that have guns.  They don't care about any civilian casualties as they shoot at the minor spider enemies.  This wouldn't be so bad but not only are the Space Force guys shooting like crazy but I'm trying my best to be precise with my attacks.  I feel like I was doing better than the other day.  I end up with 75% saved.  So that's good I guess.  

Dingo gets pissed off at the Space Force and tells em off. Then we move on...I kinda wish I picked up that Metaron to fully restore my energy before moving to the next mission.  I thought I was heading to it.  But the cutscene triggered.  So now it's destroy this train.  Don't know why but it feels harder than it should be? I can't believe I died the way I did.  I really shouldn't have died here.  Anyway managed to stop the train. 

More cutscenes.  Apparently our old scaredy cat friend and his crew are in trouble.  By the time Dingo gets there everyone's dead.  And it was caused by none other than Viola in Nephtis.  While I understood what I had to do.  Sometimes things were just not cooperating.  Especially Viola's AI.  She would generally try to ram me then run away giving me time to find an enemy to throw at her.  But other times she would stay or even double back and keep attacking.  I was going to beat just by throwing enemies at her but it seemed better to just stun her than go in for a few quick attacks.

Now that she's down...Ken's back and before Dingo and Ken go at each other's throats.  Hey our friend found out our little secret.  But before we have that obvious bombshell.  Viola's AI hasn't quit yet.  And she possess Ken's Frame.  I remember dreading this battle.  It went by okay but...Something happened I don't remember could happen or ever seen happen. 

So if I stay away from Ken's suit for too long Viola's AI does this energy drain thing to Ken's Frame.  WHAT?  And I thought I had to like Instant block her attacks not clash with hers?  Did I remember this fight wrong?  Either way...How did I get through that?  

Doesn't mean much though considering the next phase.  Well Dingo teases Ken but we got ANOTHER ESCORT MISSION!  Worse than before.  Ken can't move cause she doesn't know how to pilot without an AI.  Sigh....but she can move enough to give us the next subweapon. Actually kinda useful in a way even if much later it'll be useless cause of "THAT ONE SUBWEAPON" I gotta pick her up and drag her outside.  Worse enemies will show and attack her.  I can't ignore these enemies either.  Some of them have keys to access the next area.  

So uh...because she had like no HP when I deleted that Viola AI....Yeah Ken died right away.  LOL. Although Taper makes a comment at the Game Over screen feels kinda awkward. I wonder if there's a video of all the game over quotes? (I Mean we have videos of literally everything else so it's possible). So the second time I did it.  I just dragged Ken as high as I could go and set her somewhere far away while I take care of the enemies.  She did eventually start falling...How??? The platform I left her on was no where near the battle.  Sigh....eventually I get her out.  And we move to the next phase.  But we gotta have a long talk about Dingo's past. 

I have no idea who's in the right here.  I mean the conversation is literally pot calling the kettle black tbh.  Ken calling out Dingo about deserting BAHRAM while Dingo roast Ken about how she should've done all this herself. I'm not sure if the game mentions it at all. But Anubis's AI might have something to do with Nohman's personality and killing everyone as well?  I remember skimming over the wiki and it mentioned Anubis's AI was designed to be the opposite of ADA and wanting only destruction.  I don't know how much of it is true cause it sounds like a lot of speculation or maybe that info is in the game somewhere. 

So the next mission...I wish I still had that JTV clip.  I remember did something hilarious there and well like JTV it's no longer on my Youtube channel as well.  I also thought that I played this for an hour. No roughly 45 minutes.  It's weird to have that feeling.  I want to keep parts timely sometimes for many reasons. But maybe next time I'll shoot for making the next part an hour.  

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