Sunday, November 8, 2020

Zone Of the Enders: The Second Runner - Day 1

You know part of me doesn't want to upload this right away.  I kinda wanna set this up in one go.  But I need a video for that time slot. lol

I truly miss instruction Manuals.  Cause the well done ones would contain art like this in it.  Now the most we get these days is just a slip of paper that either has some sort of offer, a DLC code, or lists some legal warnings along with the usual epilepsy disclaimer.

So first off I forgot that the instruction manual was digitized.  Yay.  Least it's easily accessible. I honestly rather have instruction manuals than some long tutorial. But we got a story to explain things. It finally explains what an "Ender" is.  

An "Ender" is basically people that live in the colonies and are essentially bullied by Earth.  Cause Earth still has jurisdiction over the space colonies. 

The reason we have Orbital Frames (or Super Robots).  Is cause when Metatron was discovered as new superior source of energy some people sought to make use of it for military purposes.  

Good, Glad I finally know that tidbit of info. 

I'm not sure if anyone else can read this. I can upload this somewhere else for other people to read if you want. You should be able to Right-Click and Save them though. I just thought this was important for those that want the story.

To explain bits of ZOE1. BAHRAM was an anti-Earth military unit that sought for war against Earth. They tried to take over steal the 2 orbital Frames, Jehuty and Anubis that were secretly being developed. But Earth caught on to this plan and confiscated the Orbital Frames. 

Then Zone of the Enders Happened. You know all that happened there if you saw my playthrough or anyone elses.  

So to Start of ZOE2 that wasn't really explained or shown.  Since BAHRAM managed to obtain Anubis. They began development of more Orbital Frames based on Anubis's design. They begun there conquest of Mars and subsequently Earth.  The Earth forces AKA the UNSF crumbled against BAHRAM's power. BAHRAM uses the military Fortress Aumann as there cornerstone for there reign of terror to make one final attack against the UNSF.  But the only problem was that BAHRAM didn't have Jehuty and focused it's efforts on finding it.  

And now we begin Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner.

2174 and we're living in space colonies. Discovering new forms of energy. The future actually looks promising.

I honestly forgot how excited I was when I first played this back in 2008 when I last played this as a Livestream.  Twitch was called JustinTV back then. Video Quality was also questionable back then (You had to pay money for the really good quality and I'm talking like hundreds of dollars). So while I can't possibly be as hype as I was back then. I'm still pretty hype. And honestly I'm paying a bit more attention to the game cause it's not being streamed.

Yeah good old  Things were great back in 2008

*I could stream but I don't think my Desktop could handle it anymore and I think streaming it now would give me an experience I don't want. It's more of a me thing.*

Starting the game watching Dingo talk about his favorite sport.  I wonder if it's Baseball he's talking about or some futuristic sports game.  Also 22nd Century and we're out living in space.  I very likely wouldn't be alive at that time.  But if our future is to live in space. I'm down for it.  Come to think of it the time that Batman Beyond is supposed to take place is apparently 2029.  Considering the technology from that series.  Future looks great tbh. 

Wonder what sport he's talking about. Can't be baseball. Racing? I mean IGPX sounds possible here. Or maybe it's something like FFX Blitzball. 

Sorry for the tangent but honestly Batman Beyond is supposed to take place 9 years from now.  And in that we have floating cars, better technology, and we seem to have experiments on the human body that would never happen today. The future is awesome and scary at the same time.

Anyway we begin in a crappy worker frame that obviously was only selected cause it stressed safety features.  It's kinda hilarious hearing this thing speak. "Going Back" "Please Remember to wear your space helmet"  After that beginning.  We find a weird orbital Frame. Then we get attacked. Dingo's LEV gets damaged so why not jump into this Orbital Frame?  

So whatever company made these machines probably got the safety award. A machine that tells you that you're going backwards and reminds you to wear a helmet. Yeah that would get a safety award.

I can't really think of a Super Robot pilot that immediately jumps in and demands it to move. Especially with little to no fear.

Jehuty awakens. Time to go crazy. After learning the controls.  One thing that I will say is true blessing is that we have lock-on homing lasers.  The previous game stressed more Close-Range Combat than long-range.  But now we have our first boss. 

Okay I should let you know. One of things I love about Super Robots is when you see tons of enemies on the screen and you lock on to all of them. It's such an epic animation and just lets everyone know how much of a badass you are.

Honestly though what was that scream before the fight started?


You know if these weren't Super Robots this could be taken another way. Also it's like 4AM I'm sorry.

She's honestly rather easy and I'm just being reckless. I do appreciate that ADA comments on what you should do to fight various enemies.  Yep ADA is useful.  

So after that skirmish we got Ken Marinaris on the ground and this would be really suggestive if we weren't in super robots. Especially the conversation. The conversations are kinda awkward.  Also one thing I picked up on.  During cutscenes you can zoom in or look around a bit.  I'll be honest I did not expect to be able to do that and then see Ken's boobs.  I kinda forget what game I'm playing and who was involved in it's development.

Kojima...nuff said. 

Anyway Dingo boards the ship that attacked him and his crew.  And we basically go on an assault. I did notice one slight problem I had when it came to destroying the enemy generators. I need to stay locked on to it at all times. If I change my target or remove the lock-on I'm never gonna be able to target it again.  Cause so many enemies pop out.

Travel along and another fight...

It's hard to screenshot. But one of the things you can do with grabbed enemies is mash O and you'll spin them around faster than Goku before throwing them. 

Viola's AI or well Neith

She's back and angry...And she's an AI.

So honestly if she was this tough in the first game she'd be unbeatable.  The only way to beat her is pretty much the Traditional Zelda style. Use the new ability you just got and beat her with it. It's also nice to hear ADA go on and tell me to "Grab the Stick and throw it." 

I'm sorry. Are you uh...gonna be okay? I better go.

And with that Viola's been impaled and is sitting on a wall.  Sorry....kinda.  Dingo has regrets about it but finds out that she actually died years ago. We move on. Things are moving at a faster pace it seems. Cause not even 5 minutes later ANOTHER BOSS FIGHT!  Yep he's back.

That Sexy Orbital Frame Anubis

I want it. I want it. I want it.

So unlike ZOE1 where I was just surviving. I actually have to try and hit this guy.  Kinda hard when he still outclasses me in every category.  After that exercise in futility Neith comes back. Oh hey you're okay. Sorry about pinning you to all with that pipe. No hard feelings right? Right? Wait, what are you doing with that metal pole?!  NO NO NO NO NO NO OW.....

This is gonna hurt. A lot...This also makes me think Viola was rather sadistic in battle.

Don't you just love unwinnable boss fights that end in a cutscene where you get your ass handed to you?

Nohman clearly looks like the bad guy. Also...that is easily taken out of context. I'm Sorry 4:30AM I'm tired.

So Dingo and Anubis's pilot Nohman have a bit of a chat. It kinda sounds awkward but not just yet. 

IIRC the Japanese translation apparently Nohman says "I Love You."

So anime cutscene. And here's where things get really awkward. So first Ken is all pissed off and punches Dingo for no reason. Well there is a reason but at this point it makes no sense and you can write it off that she's salty she lost that fight.  Then Nohman steps in. And the conversation gets really awkward.  Apparently Dingo and Nohman were allies once and then Dingo disappears presumed dead.  Nohman insists that Dingo rejoin them although the word choice here is weird. Dingo refuses and like an anime protagonist builds his character right there yelling about how his friends died back then.  After some more yelling and refusal Nohman straight up shoots Dingo multiple times.  No head shot though.  And with the effect of low gravity Dingo's body and blood just float in midair. Ken says that she could save him if he'll help her. Although she was ordered to dispose of the body.

TWO MONTHS?! How did you keep Dingo's body alive for 2 months?! You were ordered to dispose of it. Dingo was shot 3 times.

2 Months later... the time frame gives us. Ken takes Dingo's body to the lab where he's operated on.  He's essentially setup to part of some life support equipment and then thrown inside Jehuty.  Ken and Dingo yell at each other and Ken explains that she's not with BAHRAM but a spy. She also explains that Dingo can't get out of Jehuty or he'll die.  Dingo tries it anyway and nearly dies. Then Dingo asks Ken a sports question but we don't have time for that we gotta save the world.  

Who told you to shave my beard?

So if you're wondering why I find this awkward it's honestly the word choice.  Instead of Nohman saying things like, "You work for me now. We'll be comrades in arms again." He's saying things like "Come back to me." "I like you." "It'll be like old times." I could write this off as simple old war buddy talk. But then I recall some of the Japanese dialogue translated Nohman saying, "I like you." instead as "I love you."  Hmmmm....Well either way Dingo wasn't having any of it.  And I feel like I'm overthinking things here. 

**I could be wrong these are memories from almost 20 years ago.**

Yeah pressing R2 during these scenes switches camera control and well...Yeah...I remember that this is from Konami. Also Kojima had some involvement in this. I don't completely blame Kojima but I do notice a lot that when it's Konami you get these awkward moments at times. The Metal Gear Solid series is a prime example.

End Day 1

Well I had to stop here cause I wanted to have something to upload. I originally wanted to upload this as just the full game but I got other games to work on and I'm pretty sure this game runs roughly 4 - 6 hours. I don't remember too well.  I know when I streamed the full game it did take awhile.  Also imagine me having to write my experience down of the full game. I've done that. So probably the next part will be longer I don't know. There's honestly no real breaks in the game. So finding a stopping point is rough. 

Also bonus while looking up info on this game. I found out that apparently ZOE1 does have a bad ending.  If all the buildings get destroyed you apparently get a bad ending instead.  I'm kinda curious to see that. 

Slight Update

I found videos on it. 

video recorded by lumlane (

HOLY CRAP! So if you destroy all the buildings, screw up every SOS mission (I mean no one survives) and totally bomb the last SOS mission. You get the bad ending. ADA scolds you for it and the game ends. Honestly I haven't seen Endings where you screw yourself for the entire game since Sierra's Quest series. 

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